Good soil type as planting media for growth of rambutan is a sandy loam soil, fertilize, and a little sandy. Although rambutan actually can live in all types of soil, but the type of soil as described above, rambutan can provide optimal results.Banteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014
Average degree of acidity (pH) of the optimal soil for crop cultivation rambutan is between 6.67 and if the soil pH is less than 5.5 as the swamp area should be held prior liming.
Aquaculture, Rambutan way bury
2. Climate
Climate is the average temperature of a place at a certain time period.
The climate is influenced by:
a. Air temperature,
b. Precipitation,
c. Rays of the sun, and
d. wind direction
The most influencing climatic conditions is rainfall. Rainfall is needed rambutan is 1500-2500 mm per year.
At the time of flowering, rambutan requires dry season for 3 months in order to be a good fruit. If the dry season lasts for more than 3 months, then the interest will be killed or were not perfect (the flat).
3. Parking height
The height of 30-500 meters above sea level is a condition that can be worn planted to bring better results.
B factor in
Factors in factor is derived from the body of rambutan crop itself, which includes factors in is as follows:
There are various types of rambutan, each with its own special character. From all kinds of properties that we were able to pre there ways there ways that benefit. The properties also revealed we have to see, if you want to generate better results.
2. Seeds selected
As we know, nature is nature-derived derivative parent to his children. If we had chosen to master the essential nature or quality, we can also make a point of the character is revealed to his children in a way that is not perkembangbiakkan ring, for example grafting. With the graft, we have some advantages, namely:
a. Acquired properties similar to the parent;
b. Fast fruiting;
c. Quickly produce offspring.
But when we get offspring with the result of marriage, not necessarily acquire properties similar to the parent, because marriage is a mix between a male parent and a female parent.
the process of planting
Cultivation of rambutan tree in the grounds of the house more easily than on farms, as more attention and not mememrlukan Tehnik various treatments, but of course with a mild treatment, the results were not able to give maximum Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya
Rambutan crop cultivated in the garden and then treated optimally be obtained maximum results.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Friday, June 20, 2014
Technology Mulkiilaha beeraha Indonesia · Updated sannad ka hor
Prospects KelengkengBuah longan wareega leh size khudrad ah oo marmar ah waxaa loo habeeyo on malainya. Waxa uu maqaarka waa bunni madow leh xooMASTERPOKER88.COM JUDI POKER ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA RESMI DAN TERPERCAYAgaa dusha berbintil-nodule. Jidhka cad oo qabiil-biyood leh. Dhadhanka Aad u macaan caraf ah ee kala duwan. Abuurkii la wareega yihiin, kana kooban labo xabbo, iyo maqaar digirta madow. Hilibka ayaa lafteedu waa abuur cad oo, ay ku jiraan carbohydrates, yar oo saliid ah, iyo saponins.
Waxaan leenahay karo geed longan gaarka ah ee aad Backyard ama in dheriyo. Haddii
aad leedahay qof qaraabo ah oo uu leeyahay geedka longan ah,
maaddooyinka ama waxaad weydiin kartaa xoogaa yar oo ay laamo ku
lifaaqan dhirta kale. Haddii aan, aad ku beeri kara abuurka ah. Geedo
Maqaar dhali doontaa miraha ee sanadka 2 ama 3, halka geedka oo ka mid
ah abuurka cusub ee dhali doontaa miraha goor hore sanad 7. Gooyn
Tree ay yihiin kuwo aad u nugul rabshooyin jireed, sida dabaysha,
sababtoo ah nooca macdantaa oo xidid, ka duwan dhirta oo laga soo abuur
in noocee ah fuushan oo xididdada. Marka baaluq, longan geedka noqon kartaa mid aad isqurxhiso ku daray hawo on page guriga sida awoodaha ay photosynthetic.
Inkastoo bilowga longan noolaan karaan oo kaliya in buuraleyda ah, ka dib markii iyada oo loo marayo nidaamka sargoynta, waqtigaan ee longan sidoo kale ku noolaan karaan in dhulka hoose waxay bilaabeen sare ah ee 200 mitir ka sarreysaa oogada badda. Waxay qaadataa jawi qoyan in geedaha longan si caadi ah u koraan, ie roobab laga bilaabo 1500-3000 mm sanadkii, iyo muddo 9-12 bisha lagu jiro wakhtiyada qoyan iyo qalalan ah 2-4 bilood. Haddii aad ku nooshahay aag oo qalalan berperiode in ka badan 4 bilood, waxaan u muuqata Habacsanaan karaa by xaaqi lahaa biyo dheeraad ah.
Haddii aad jeclaan lahayd abuurka longan waxaan Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya eray kori shaqsi ku cusub, waxaa jira waxyaabo dhowr ah si ay u eegaan. Abuur Longan waayi doonaa awoodda ay u koraan 1-2 toddobaad gudahood ka dib markii la soocaa midhaha, sidaas waxaa lagu talinayaa sameeyo wax yar ka dib abuurto miraha iyo saxarka kala soocan yihiin. Qoto dheer Ciid beeritaanka waxaa lagu talinayaa + 2 cm, haddii aan, ka dibna koritaanka abuur ah in la carqaladeeyey doonaa. Soo socda wuxuu ka dhici doonaa habka biqilka qaadataa 7-10 maalmood.
Geed Longan sida caadiga ah monoecious, taas oo uu leeyahay ubaxa hermaphroditic (lab iyo dhedig) ee geed. Laakiin waxaa jira sidoo kale waa geed longan in guursaday labada, taas oo uu leeyahay oo kaliya ubax rag ama dumar ah. Ubax Male soo saari doontaa manka, halka ubaxyadii dumar ah waxay leeyihiin "ee maxalka" a ah ee miro la wayneeyo. Ubax Female la cadeyn karo ay joogaan labo qaybaha dhafoorka ee pistil ee dhexda laga soo, halka ubaxyadii oo lab ah oo ah joogitaanka of 8 stamens in meel qiyaastii pistil ah. Natiijooyinka abuurka beerto Tree marar badan ku koraan noqon geed lab ah, sidaas daraadeed waxa la soo jeediyay in aanu beeran badan oo miraha si aad u hesho shakhsiyaadka qaba ragga iyo dumarka kala duwan.
Geedo longan Speed koraan taageeray by bixinta qaadasho ku haboon ee bacriminta iyo waraabinta joogto ah. Habka wax soo saarka Inflorescence iyo miraha geedaha litchi ee cimilada kulaylaha ah mar walba ma dhici oo aan la sii saadaalin karin. Haddii aan ka filan geedaha our longan miro, bacrimin iyo waraabinta waa la joojin ee September ilaa Maarso, u kobciyaan koritaanka ubaxyo. Inflorescence sidoo kale in la dhiirigeliyo karaa maamulka of KCLO3 xal (Kaliumpermanganat Chlorate) si foojigan 1-2% ee carrada ama caleemaBanteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014ha. Ubax Spring yihiin in March, iyo midhaha in la soo saaro doonaa July-September. Mid ka mid ah geed baaluq soo saari kartaa 25-225 litchi kg miro ah sanadkiiba.
Inkastoo bilowga longan noolaan karaan oo kaliya in buuraleyda ah, ka dib markii iyada oo loo marayo nidaamka sargoynta, waqtigaan ee longan sidoo kale ku noolaan karaan in dhulka hoose waxay bilaabeen sare ah ee 200 mitir ka sarreysaa oogada badda. Waxay qaadataa jawi qoyan in geedaha longan si caadi ah u koraan, ie roobab laga bilaabo 1500-3000 mm sanadkii, iyo muddo 9-12 bisha lagu jiro wakhtiyada qoyan iyo qalalan ah 2-4 bilood. Haddii aad ku nooshahay aag oo qalalan berperiode in ka badan 4 bilood, waxaan u muuqata Habacsanaan karaa by xaaqi lahaa biyo dheeraad ah.
Haddii aad jeclaan lahayd abuurka longan waxaan Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya eray kori shaqsi ku cusub, waxaa jira waxyaabo dhowr ah si ay u eegaan. Abuur Longan waayi doonaa awoodda ay u koraan 1-2 toddobaad gudahood ka dib markii la soocaa midhaha, sidaas waxaa lagu talinayaa sameeyo wax yar ka dib abuurto miraha iyo saxarka kala soocan yihiin. Qoto dheer Ciid beeritaanka waxaa lagu talinayaa + 2 cm, haddii aan, ka dibna koritaanka abuur ah in la carqaladeeyey doonaa. Soo socda wuxuu ka dhici doonaa habka biqilka qaadataa 7-10 maalmood.
Geed Longan sida caadiga ah monoecious, taas oo uu leeyahay ubaxa hermaphroditic (lab iyo dhedig) ee geed. Laakiin waxaa jira sidoo kale waa geed longan in guursaday labada, taas oo uu leeyahay oo kaliya ubax rag ama dumar ah. Ubax Male soo saari doontaa manka, halka ubaxyadii dumar ah waxay leeyihiin "ee maxalka" a ah ee miro la wayneeyo. Ubax Female la cadeyn karo ay joogaan labo qaybaha dhafoorka ee pistil ee dhexda laga soo, halka ubaxyadii oo lab ah oo ah joogitaanka of 8 stamens in meel qiyaastii pistil ah. Natiijooyinka abuurka beerto Tree marar badan ku koraan noqon geed lab ah, sidaas daraadeed waxa la soo jeediyay in aanu beeran badan oo miraha si aad u hesho shakhsiyaadka qaba ragga iyo dumarka kala duwan.
Geedo longan Speed koraan taageeray by bixinta qaadasho ku haboon ee bacriminta iyo waraabinta joogto ah. Habka wax soo saarka Inflorescence iyo miraha geedaha litchi ee cimilada kulaylaha ah mar walba ma dhici oo aan la sii saadaalin karin. Haddii aan ka filan geedaha our longan miro, bacrimin iyo waraabinta waa la joojin ee September ilaa Maarso, u kobciyaan koritaanka ubaxyo. Inflorescence sidoo kale in la dhiirigeliyo karaa maamulka of KCLO3 xal (Kaliumpermanganat Chlorate) si foojigan 1-2% ee carrada ama caleemaBanteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014ha. Ubax Spring yihiin in March, iyo midhaha in la soo saaro doonaa July-September. Mid ka mid ah geed baaluq soo saari kartaa 25-225 litchi kg miro ah sanadkiiba.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Intaa waxaa dheer, gadashada lacag ah la haystaa
Intaa waxaa dheer, gadashada lacag ah la haystaa Wren sidoo kale waxay bixiyaan faa'iidooyin la eego kala jinsiga. Oo
aaminsan in shimbiraha u lahaado labo a oo lacag ah labka iyo dheddigga
Wren noqon doonaa weyn loo eego suuqa si ay ugu iibsadaan shimbir. Waxaa sida caadiga ah u balan qaadayo breeder si ay fursado menangkarkan noqon doonto guul ka badan. Haddii aad tahay nasiib la fahamka iyo labo ka mid ah oo lacag ah Wren hore u aasaasay marka ay wada joogaan umbaran qafas. Wren oo lacag ah wuxuu ku lahaa inay doortaan qofkii ay nolosha wadaagaan si aysan u baahan tahay in mar kale lagugu aadin.
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Wren shimbir oo lacag ah ama java oo lacag ah laftiisa ayaa leh laba nooc midabka, taas oo lacag ah iftiinka iyo mugdiga java java oo lacag ah. java oo lacag ah oo iftiin (hiddo-sex-lala) keena ay sabab u barandoonaa hiddo-. Midabka dambaska oo Light laakiin lacag ah mugdiga java ku dhawaad anfac badan (hiddo-recesif) qaadataa meel ay sabab u barandoonaa a recessive in arrin u sabab ah hiddo-a. color cawl iyo nooca waa la barbardhigo ku filan fiiqan. Ma aha oo kaliya midabka 2nd kor ku xusan ayaa weli run, waxaa jira labo nooc oo ah midabada guduudan oo cusub oo huruud ah kuwaas oo lacag ah iyo lacag. Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik TerpercayaBird Wren cas oo lacag ah waa barandoonaa cusub oo lacag ah Wren ah. dhogorta midabka leh on laabtiisa halkii daanyo. Noocani waa nooc kala duwanaansho u dambeeyay oo aan inta badan lagu arko Indonesia, oo lacag ah hurdi Wren sidoo kale waa barandoonaa cusub oo lacag ah Wren ah. Midab leh dhogorta on laabtiisa naxaas wax yar. oo lacag ah iyo sidoo kale cas, oo lacag ah huruud ah nooca this ugu dambeeyey weli cusub. Badan huruud ah Silver in Russia.
Ma aha oo kaliya midabka, in oo lacag xaqiiqda Wren sidoo kale leeyahay yadiisa u gaar ah. Shimbir Wren qaldo shimbir of nasiib wacan in ay qofka leh. Wren joogteeyo oo lacag ah, mulkiilaha uusan rabin maal laga yaabaa lumay gaar ahaan sidaas ku daray. Prestige u dhowaanin kalluunka-awaalka jayte kalluunka sida xeegada. Quraafaad kale waa aan ka yarayn gaar ah heshisyey, wadnaha iyo beerka Wren oo lacag ah oo isku dhafan waxay noqon kartaa noqda. Geedo waxaa kelya ku bogsiiyaan kala duwan oo ah cuduro muhiim ah sida kansarka iyo faa'iido si ageless. rajeynayaa in haadka xad-dhaaf Wren inay dadka u danaynaya in lagu ilaaliyo ama menagkarkannya ma aha oo kaliya in la ugaadhsado oo ku baayacmushtaray
In wingko ah maxaabiistii Wren qaadataa oo ah quruun shimbiraha in ay leeyihiin gaadhay Xoogiisa galmada. Haboonba labka ah ee da'doodu ka 1.5 sano, halka dumarka ah ee ku saabsan 1 sano jir ah. Si aad u ogaato sida in la kala saaro jinsi ee ShimbirBUAHPOKER.COM AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA TERPERCAYA TANPA ROBOTaha lab iyo shimbiraha dumar ah, fadlan marka hore tixgeli images soo socda:Bird Wren wingko lab (bidix) iyo Wren wingko dumar ah (midig)
Shimbiraha pemasteran SmartBird Help Chirping
KAISARBET.COM AGEN BOLA TERPERCAYA PIALA DUNIA 2014 Imaamu Axmadna waxa SmartBird Qaadashada Nature for Your Bird
Imaamu Axmadna waxa of anfacaya oo SmartBird
Waxyaabaha Efficacious SmartBird
SmartBird, Madasha Brain Nafaqada for Somali Shimbiraha Chirping
Shan Talaabooyinka Easy taranta Bird Cililin
Ha Waayaya kula Mr Azri
No aad u sugtid moult Memaster Bird
Markotop top Feature qoyan Cucak
Taranta diyaarinta Wren
The breeder Enchanting New Kacer
Ha Ku Wareersan Memaster Cucak Ijo
Dumarka waa Roling, Furayaasha si taranta Successful Red Anis
Ilaalinta Pleci gudaha
Kushiinka menangkarkan Suren danaynaya?
Wren shimbir oo lacag ah ama java oo lacag ah laftiisa ayaa leh laba nooc midabka, taas oo lacag ah iftiinka iyo mugdiga java java oo lacag ah. java oo lacag ah oo iftiin (hiddo-sex-lala) keena ay sabab u barandoonaa hiddo-. Midabka dambaska oo Light laakiin lacag ah mugdiga java ku dhawaad anfac badan (hiddo-recesif) qaadataa meel ay sabab u barandoonaa a recessive in arrin u sabab ah hiddo-a. color cawl iyo nooca waa la barbardhigo ku filan fiiqan. Ma aha oo kaliya midabka 2nd kor ku xusan ayaa weli run, waxaa jira labo nooc oo ah midabada guduudan oo cusub oo huruud ah kuwaas oo lacag ah iyo lacag. Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik TerpercayaBird Wren cas oo lacag ah waa barandoonaa cusub oo lacag ah Wren ah. dhogorta midabka leh on laabtiisa halkii daanyo. Noocani waa nooc kala duwanaansho u dambeeyay oo aan inta badan lagu arko Indonesia, oo lacag ah hurdi Wren sidoo kale waa barandoonaa cusub oo lacag ah Wren ah. Midab leh dhogorta on laabtiisa naxaas wax yar. oo lacag ah iyo sidoo kale cas, oo lacag ah huruud ah nooca this ugu dambeeyey weli cusub. Badan huruud ah Silver in Russia.
Ma aha oo kaliya midabka, in oo lacag xaqiiqda Wren sidoo kale leeyahay yadiisa u gaar ah. Shimbir Wren qaldo shimbir of nasiib wacan in ay qofka leh. Wren joogteeyo oo lacag ah, mulkiilaha uusan rabin maal laga yaabaa lumay gaar ahaan sidaas ku daray. Prestige u dhowaanin kalluunka-awaalka jayte kalluunka sida xeegada. Quraafaad kale waa aan ka yarayn gaar ah heshisyey, wadnaha iyo beerka Wren oo lacag ah oo isku dhafan waxay noqon kartaa noqda. Geedo waxaa kelya ku bogsiiyaan kala duwan oo ah cuduro muhiim ah sida kansarka iyo faa'iido si ageless. rajeynayaa in haadka xad-dhaaf Wren inay dadka u danaynaya in lagu ilaaliyo ama menagkarkannya ma aha oo kaliya in la ugaadhsado oo ku baayacmushtaray
In wingko ah maxaabiistii Wren qaadataa oo ah quruun shimbiraha in ay leeyihiin gaadhay Xoogiisa galmada. Haboonba labka ah ee da'doodu ka 1.5 sano, halka dumarka ah ee ku saabsan 1 sano jir ah. Si aad u ogaato sida in la kala saaro jinsi ee ShimbirBUAHPOKER.COM AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA TERPERCAYA TANPA ROBOTaha lab iyo shimbiraha dumar ah, fadlan marka hore tixgeli images soo socda:Bird Wren wingko lab (bidix) iyo Wren wingko dumar ah (midig)
Thursday, June 12, 2014
cayayaanka Azodrin 60 EC at uruuray of 0.1% 2
cayayaanka Azodrin 60 EC at uruuray of 0.1% 2 daqiiqo. Lows koray si uun buu la leexiyay (15%) is dhaxgalka saf. Field of qalay soo food kor sare jihada isku. qayb lagu aasay dhulka ku 2/3 qeybo ka mid ah midhaha. Qaybta meesha la qalaHosting Murahy, coir iyo hay'adaha waa in aan lagu aasay dhulka ku. Qolka waxaa ka dhexeeya abuur ah waa in la daboolo dhulka la ilaa adag. Dayactirka ka mid ah jaridda dhirta, iyo waraabiyo goobaha draenase. Waraabiyaa
inta lagu guda jiro xilli qallalan sida badan la sameeyaa subaxdii iyo
gelinka dambe 4-6 litir halkii mitir ee maalintii. Selection of geedo ku yaal xannaanada. Seedling
ama Embriyihii ayaa loo gudbin karaa xannaanada carruurta marka ay ku
hari ay horey u soo baxdo oo ay gaaraan dherer ah 3-5 cm (qiyaastii 2
todobaad jir). Ka hor inta lagu wareejiyo geedo waa in la in horay loo doortay si ay u helaan abuur wanaagsan iyo tayo fiican leh. Xannaanada. 1)
Si aad u hesho natiijooyinka taranta wanaagsan, isticmaalka polybag
berkuran dheer 40 cm, width 50 cm, oo dhumucdiisuna waxay 0.2 mm. ka hor inta kolayga poly ballaciisu dalool oo ah 0.5 ilaa 1 cm oo leh tiro ka mid ah godadka 36 -48 gogo '. 2) Ciid inay buuxiyaan polybags uu yahay dihnayd (carrada sare) in uu leeyahay digemburkan. Qaab bacda ka dib waa dhul in ay noqon cylindrical iyo markii datas meeleeyay waa kuwa qummanuna dalka. Pengisis polybag, ilaa sprouts yihiin qoorta waafaqsan dusha sare ee ciidda. 3)
kala dheereynta laga soo xisaabinayaa miraha sprouts masaafada dhaliyay
sprouts in polybag polybag kula soo socda ee ah, halka masaafada u
dhexeysa polybag ku habboon duruufaha, waxaa la hayn, sidaa darteed
caleemo ma yihiin bersingungan wadajir Inter. 4) Dayactirka of geedo. a. Ka waraabiyaa waxaa loo sameeyaa subaxdii iyo habeenkii sida ugu badan 1 litir oo biyo ah polybag b. Fecundación waxaa loo sameeyaa bishiiba mar kula 1 dose of HOL: 10 Gram, tsp: KCl 15 iyo 10 garaam 10 kiserit garaam. Xeebeedka iyo Dayactirka. 1. Beerto Goobaha. Site
Xeebeedka waa meel furan (iftiinka qoraxda ku filan) iyo fogaanta laga
soo dalagyo kale oo sanadle ah oo uDomain Murahgu yaraan 9 cagaha dalagyada
daruuriga. Ciidda waa in ay nadiif ah dhirta, cawska iyo cawsduur noqon. 2. Samaynta godad beerto. -
Godad beerto ka qotay leh 60x60x60 size cm - Ciid top kabxidda (carrada
sare) waxaa la dhigayaa in ay xaqa ka dalool iyo hoose ee ciidda ka
qotay la dhigayaa bidixda ee godka. -
Dhirta boholaha ayaa la sameeyaa ugu yaraan 1 bil ka hor laga beerto -
masaafada beerto waa in ay ahaataa mitir 9x9 - On sloping contours
dhulka waa in ay isticmaalaan nidaam noocan oo kale ah oo ku habboon in
ay ku doonyuhu ee degaanka. 3. Xeebeedka. • Xeebeedka waxaa loo sameeyaa bilowgii xilli-roobaadka iyo roobab gaadhay 150 mm ee bisha hore oo la beero. • geedo Gaadiidka bacda polybag waa inay ka digtoonaadaan, si aanay u jeexi bac ama dillaac. • dalool ditimun Basic leh kabxidda ciidda, top of the kaas oo loo qaso 250 garaam oo tsp iyo digada xoolaha ay u dhadhamiyaan. Hoose Nelson Sare ee godka, daloolka waa la dhimay height dhirta lagu daray oo dhulka ee ah caaga bac 10 cm. • bac Basic gooyaa mindi ka yimid dhinaca iyo furay. dhirta
geliyo tanamn daloolka leh meel sax ah, waana qumman marka la geliyo
miraha, timirta ahaa oo gacanta ku haysta boorso saldhig caaga ah. • dalool wuxuu ka dheregsan yahay ciid hareeraha dhirta sare ee 2/3 height boorso. Polybag furay laba meelo mindi dheer, ka dibna baxay. Intaa waxaa dheer, godka daboolay ciidda top iyo carrada ku wareegsan dalool geedka. Ciid hareereysan daloolka sida balaadhan oo sida 100 cm geedka la sameeyo sloping xagga dusha dhulka ku xeeran daloolka ay. • La Sameeyay sariirood geedka timireed, fogaan ah 100 cm si looga hortago in biyaha roobka gasho stem qoorta ragaadiyeen. 4.
Dayactirka a) dhul Bobokor / daaqa agagaarka saldhigga ah ee asliga ah
loo nadiifiyaa / weeded midkood kursiga igu ama KIIMIKADA leh disc width
ku xiran tahay kapada geed dahaar width iyo ama sida ay da'doodu ka mid
ah geedka. b) fecundación. Waqtiga
la beero, dalool beerto kasta bacriminta Asili waxa la siiyey 250 Ka
dib markii dhirta 1-bilood jir ah ayaa la siiyay 100 garaam oo HOL ay
faafiso fogaan ah qiyaastii 15 cm ka soo salka asliga ah. Wixii
dhirta in aanan soo saaray (TBM) iyo dhalid dalagga (TM) isticmaalka
bacriminta waxaa loo sameeyaa 2 jeer sanadkii ie in marka hore
dhammaadka xilli-roobaadka iyo labaad eeUsaha bilowga xilli-roobaadka. c) Pembumbunan. Geedo Coconut in la saaro dib at times u baahan dibumbun.
Monday, June 9, 2014
Coffee is the commodities most widely traded.
Coffee is the commodities most widely traded. Coffee cultivation centers in Latin America, Central America, Asia-Pacific and Africa. While the largest coffee consumer in the European countries and North America. Naturally, when this very actively traded commodities.
Coffee is a perennial plant that can reach a 20-year operational life. To begin the cultivation of coffee, choose a type of coffee plant carefully. Factors affecting the successful cultivation of coffee diantranya types of plants, cultivation techniques, post-harvest handling and marketing the final product.
Coffee plants are very many species, can reach thousands. However, grown only four species are the arabica, robusta, Liberika and excelsa. Each type has different properties. For more details please read to know the types of coffee cultivation.
Selecting plant species for cultivation of coffee, must be adapted to the place or location of the land. Location of land which is located at an altitude of over 800 meters above sea level suitable for growing Arabica. While the height of 400-800 meters of arable robusta. Coffee cultivation in lowland could consider the type Liberika or excelsa.
Aside from the technical side of farming, it is worth considering is the selling price of the final product. Arabica coffee tend to be valued higher than other types. However Robusta has the highest productivity, rendemennya too high.Preparing seed cultivation of coffee
After deciding the cultivation of coffee is a match, the next step is to find a superior seeds, prepare the area and shade trees. Information about seeds for cultivation of coffee can be asked to Coffee and Cocoa Research Center or store seeds reliable. Meanwhile, shade trees must be prepared at least 2 years prior to the cultivation of coffee implemented.
For cultivation of Arabica coffee plant sources used are varieties. Examples are varieties S 795, USDA 762, Kartika and Kartika-1-2. As for the cultivation of robusta coffee plant sources used dalah clones. For example, BP 42 or BP clone 358.
Propagation of the coffee tree seedlings can be obtained by generative and vegetative techniques. Generative Propagation from seed is usually used for the cultivation of arabica coffee, robusta coffee while the more frequent use of vegetative propagation by cuttings. Each seedling propagation methods have advantages and disadvantages of their own. More details please read the previous article about coffee seedling propagation by seed and seedling propagation by cuttings coffee.Land preparation and shade trees
Coffee cultivation can be done either in the highlands or low, depending on its type. In general, coffee requires loose soil rich in organic matter. To increase fBUAHPOKER.COM AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA TERPERCAYA TANPA ROBOTertility provide organic fertilizer and soil fertility in the surrounding area of the plant. Arabica will grow well in acidic soil pH of 5 to 6.5, while robusta at pH 4.5-6.5 acidity.
Coffee is a perennial plant that can reach a 20-year operational life. To begin the cultivation of coffee, choose a type of coffee plant carefully. Factors affecting the successful cultivation of coffee diantranya types of plants, cultivation techniques, post-harvest handling and marketing the final product.
Coffee plants are very many species, can reach thousands. However, grown only four species are the arabica, robusta, Liberika and excelsa. Each type has different properties. For more details please read to know the types of coffee cultivation.
Selecting plant species for cultivation of coffee, must be adapted to the place or location of the land. Location of land which is located at an altitude of over 800 meters above sea level suitable for growing Arabica. While the height of 400-800 meters of arable robusta. Coffee cultivation in lowland could consider the type Liberika or excelsa.
Aside from the technical side of farming, it is worth considering is the selling price of the final product. Arabica coffee tend to be valued higher than other types. However Robusta has the highest productivity, rendemennya too high.Preparing seed cultivation of coffee
After deciding the cultivation of coffee is a match, the next step is to find a superior seeds, prepare the area and shade trees. Information about seeds for cultivation of coffee can be asked to Coffee and Cocoa Research Center or store seeds reliable. Meanwhile, shade trees must be prepared at least 2 years prior to the cultivation of coffee implemented.
For cultivation of Arabica coffee plant sources used are varieties. Examples are varieties S 795, USDA 762, Kartika and Kartika-1-2. As for the cultivation of robusta coffee plant sources used dalah clones. For example, BP 42 or BP clone 358.
Propagation of the coffee tree seedlings can be obtained by generative and vegetative techniques. Generative Propagation from seed is usually used for the cultivation of arabica coffee, robusta coffee while the more frequent use of vegetative propagation by cuttings. Each seedling propagation methods have advantages and disadvantages of their own. More details please read the previous article about coffee seedling propagation by seed and seedling propagation by cuttings coffee.Land preparation and shade trees
Coffee cultivation can be done either in the highlands or low, depending on its type. In general, coffee requires loose soil rich in organic matter. To increase fBUAHPOKER.COM AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA TERPERCAYA TANPA ROBOTertility provide organic fertilizer and soil fertility in the surrounding area of the plant. Arabica will grow well in acidic soil pH of 5 to 6.5, while robusta at pH 4.5-6.5 acidity.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Planting Pare
Planting Pare
Planting can be done in two ways. The
first seeds / seed planted directly sown seed and the second way to
first separate place until the seeds grow some leaves, new dilapang
Direct way.
Gudang303 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014
Once the planting hole is made with size 25 x 25 x 25 cm and has given a mature manure, seeds enter / melon seeds into the planting hole was approximately 3-4 cm deep, then cover again with soil.
At the same time the inclusion of seeds / melon seeds into the soil, the planting hole Spray with a solution of POC WarungTani I dose 10 ml / lt of water, bactericide WT dose of 10 ml / lt of water & WT Trico / GLIO dose of 10 ml / lt of water
Planting was adjusted with spacing that had been made earlier at the time of land preparation which is 75 cm x 75 cm or 1 mx 1 m in mounds.
To ensure the seeds / beans grow well, do the watering around the plant. The next watering is highly dependent on weather conditions. If a lot of rainfall occurs then the plants should not need watering. When in a state of lack of rain, or even completely dry, the plants should be watered twice a day, at morning and evening.
Indirect Method
This indirect way of planting, seed / seed sowing first. There are 2 ways the nursery, which is put on the nursery box and use a separate nursery ground.
Nursery boxed § Create a nursery box made of boards with a length of 5 meters, 2 meters wide and 15 cm high. § Enter the soil and manure in the ratio 1: 1. Stir until blended. § Planting seeds / seed pare the size of 2 x 2 cm. § Before planting seeds soaked by using POC WarungTani I dose 10 ml / lt of water, bactericide WT dose of 10 ml / lt of water, WT Trico / GLIOKAISARBET.COM AGEN BOLA TERPERCAYA PIALA DUNIA 2014 dose of 10 ml / liter of water, and WT ZPT dose of 2 ml / liter of water for 10-15 minutes. § Remove the seeds of bitter melon that has grown roughly that have been aged for approximately 10 days into small poly bag or container made of banana leaves. § Spray seeds with POC WarungTani I dose 10 ml / lt of water, bactericide WT dose of 10 ml / lt of water, WT Trico / GLIO dose of 10 ml / liter of water, and WT ZPT dose of 2 ml / lt of water periodically 3-5 hr once . § After the age of 15-20 days or melon seeds have 3 n
Gudang303 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014
Once the planting hole is made with size 25 x 25 x 25 cm and has given a mature manure, seeds enter / melon seeds into the planting hole was approximately 3-4 cm deep, then cover again with soil.
At the same time the inclusion of seeds / melon seeds into the soil, the planting hole Spray with a solution of POC WarungTani I dose 10 ml / lt of water, bactericide WT dose of 10 ml / lt of water & WT Trico / GLIO dose of 10 ml / lt of water
Planting was adjusted with spacing that had been made earlier at the time of land preparation which is 75 cm x 75 cm or 1 mx 1 m in mounds.
To ensure the seeds / beans grow well, do the watering around the plant. The next watering is highly dependent on weather conditions. If a lot of rainfall occurs then the plants should not need watering. When in a state of lack of rain, or even completely dry, the plants should be watered twice a day, at morning and evening.
Indirect Method
This indirect way of planting, seed / seed sowing first. There are 2 ways the nursery, which is put on the nursery box and use a separate nursery ground.
Nursery boxed § Create a nursery box made of boards with a length of 5 meters, 2 meters wide and 15 cm high. § Enter the soil and manure in the ratio 1: 1. Stir until blended. § Planting seeds / seed pare the size of 2 x 2 cm. § Before planting seeds soaked by using POC WarungTani I dose 10 ml / lt of water, bactericide WT dose of 10 ml / lt of water, WT Trico / GLIOKAISARBET.COM AGEN BOLA TERPERCAYA PIALA DUNIA 2014 dose of 10 ml / liter of water, and WT ZPT dose of 2 ml / liter of water for 10-15 minutes. § Remove the seeds of bitter melon that has grown roughly that have been aged for approximately 10 days into small poly bag or container made of banana leaves. § Spray seeds with POC WarungTani I dose 10 ml / lt of water, bactericide WT dose of 10 ml / lt of water, WT Trico / GLIO dose of 10 ml / liter of water, and WT ZPT dose of 2 ml / lt of water periodically 3-5 hr once . § After the age of 15-20 days or melon seeds have 3 n
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
In the area of Barcelos on the Rio Negro river banks of Brazil
the area of Barcelos on the Rio Negro river banks of Brazil , where
most locals catching fish to trade for ornamental fish industry . Cardinal tetra fishing here is very much appreciated by the local people who act as stewards of the environment . Local people may not engage in activities that are potentially
damaging to the environment , such as deforestation , because they can
remain sustainable living from the fishery .
LIGADAUN.COM AGEN TARUHAN BOLA PIALA DUNIA 2014 CASINO TANGKAS POKER ONLINE TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA Probably because its origins are caught wild , cardinal tetra in captivity tend to be rather small . In the wild , these fish inhabit the water is soft ( soft ) , acidic water , but it seems to be tolerant to water more alkaline conditions . They prefer warm water temperatures (above 75 ° F ( 24 ° C ) or warm ) . Cardinal Tetra breeding results tend to be stronger to adapt to harder water ( hard ) than wild-caught Cardinal Tetra .Given the origin of Cardinal Tetra , namely blackwater rivers which have an acidic pH , low mineral content and the presence of humic acids , the species is adaptable to a wide range of conditions in captivity , though deviation from the soft water and acidic water chemistry of their native range will impact severely on the nursery and fecundity . The preferred temperature range is 21 ° C fish up to 28 ° C ( 70 ° F to 82 ° F ) . The chemical content of the water in the aquarium water should match the wild habitat .Aquascape with Cardinal TetraAs species are clustered in the wild , minimum maintenance is ten or more tails . Flow of water in the tank to help push the clustered behavior . The greater the number of fish in the aquarium tetra ( according to the usual restrictions imposed by space and filtration efficiency ) would be better , and will provide an impressive display and visually stunning . Among other tetra fish , neon tetra most famous for petite body shape and the color is very beautiful . Lamellar body to the side with a brownish-yellow color of the back and abdomen yellowish white . Characteristics of the most easily recognized is that there are lines like blue neon green extending on both sides of his body , and at the bottom line was a line of neon bright red but not all neon colors . clear colored fins , except the red colored tail fin , peaceable nature , can be mixed with other species in the aquarium . Beauty neon tetra will appear more clearly in a state when swimming bersam clustered together to form a row .
Parent elections
GLOBALBOLA.COM AGEN BOLA PIALA DUNIA 2014 SBOBET IBCBET CASINO POKER TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYANeon tetra ready to mate at the age of 6-7 months with a 3 cm body length . The males, who have grown slimmer body in a straight line on both sides of the body such as fluorescent lamps . on the contrary , a short round body female fish , neon lines crooked shape , and somewhat distended stomach .
LIGADAUN.COM AGEN TARUHAN BOLA PIALA DUNIA 2014 CASINO TANGKAS POKER ONLINE TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA Probably because its origins are caught wild , cardinal tetra in captivity tend to be rather small . In the wild , these fish inhabit the water is soft ( soft ) , acidic water , but it seems to be tolerant to water more alkaline conditions . They prefer warm water temperatures (above 75 ° F ( 24 ° C ) or warm ) . Cardinal Tetra breeding results tend to be stronger to adapt to harder water ( hard ) than wild-caught Cardinal Tetra .Given the origin of Cardinal Tetra , namely blackwater rivers which have an acidic pH , low mineral content and the presence of humic acids , the species is adaptable to a wide range of conditions in captivity , though deviation from the soft water and acidic water chemistry of their native range will impact severely on the nursery and fecundity . The preferred temperature range is 21 ° C fish up to 28 ° C ( 70 ° F to 82 ° F ) . The chemical content of the water in the aquarium water should match the wild habitat .Aquascape with Cardinal TetraAs species are clustered in the wild , minimum maintenance is ten or more tails . Flow of water in the tank to help push the clustered behavior . The greater the number of fish in the aquarium tetra ( according to the usual restrictions imposed by space and filtration efficiency ) would be better , and will provide an impressive display and visually stunning . Among other tetra fish , neon tetra most famous for petite body shape and the color is very beautiful . Lamellar body to the side with a brownish-yellow color of the back and abdomen yellowish white . Characteristics of the most easily recognized is that there are lines like blue neon green extending on both sides of his body , and at the bottom line was a line of neon bright red but not all neon colors . clear colored fins , except the red colored tail fin , peaceable nature , can be mixed with other species in the aquarium . Beauty neon tetra will appear more clearly in a state when swimming bersam clustered together to form a row .
Parent elections
GLOBALBOLA.COM AGEN BOLA PIALA DUNIA 2014 SBOBET IBCBET CASINO POKER TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYANeon tetra ready to mate at the age of 6-7 months with a 3 cm body length . The males, who have grown slimmer body in a straight line on both sides of the body such as fluorescent lamps . on the contrary , a short round body female fish , neon lines crooked shape , and somewhat distended stomach .
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